Archive Poster : July 2024

Have you ever dreamed of excelling at something? Being the world's best? Having crowds cheer for you? To have people say your name with awe and speak well of you. Respect. Kudos. Glory. Fame. A few, like Usain Bolt and Cathy Freeman, attain glory through their outstanding speed at running. For most of us such worldwide renown is never going to happen.Yet there is something in us that still wants glory of one kind or another. If it’s not standing on the winners podium at the olympics perhaps we hope to excel and be recognised in our profession; to score the winning goal, try or run in our local sport team; to receive academic awards and scholarships; get 10,000+ followers online; be the funniest person in the room; be the most attractive person in the room… Our desire for praise and honour often drives us in various areas of our lives.

Did you know the Bible says we are actually designed for glory. These worldly hopes and dreams are a shadowy glimpse of the eternal glory we deeply desire and were created to enjoy. The apostle Paul experienced quite the opposite to accolades and glory in his time. He was beaten and imprisoned for following Christ. His teaching was challenged and cristicised by other so-called Christians. He was mocked by many as being weak, stupid and insane. Yet he writes to the church, “our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:17

Paul isn’t saying that suffering in this life earns glory in heaven. Paul is saying that trusting Jesus, despite whatever suffering it may result in, is nothing compared to the resplendent everlasting glory we will enjoy with Jesus in the next life. We could make the comparison to the things an athlete must endure when training. All the physical effort and pain and sacrifices pale into insignificance when they are standing on the winners podium before the world’s applause. And so whatever we must suffer in this life, as real and hard as it is, will be worth it if we trust Jesus. Even more so, the kind of momentary glory of an olympic win is nothing compared to what those who trust Jesus are promised for all eternity.

Do you want glory? Do you want deep, true and lasting glory? Don’t settle for the shadowy, fleeting glory of this world, seek Christ, trust in his deep love and forgiveness, and you will share in his eternal glory that outweighs all else.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, Show me your glory, your love and your forgiveness. I want to trust in you whatever hardship that may bring. Help me not to seek or settle for the fleeting glory of this world. Lead me in this life to glorify you and share your glory for eternity. Amen.

Read 2 Corinthians 4 and 1 Peter 5 for more about sharing in God’s glory.

© Outreach Media 2024

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